23 October 2009

Numbers game.

Everyone seems to be interested in your 'stats' when you're on a bike trip. Other cyclists, the RVer in the rest area who just about creamed you in their gigantic RV just a bit back , and just about everyone else you meet all want to know. They want to know how far you are going, how many miles you do in a day, how many flats you've had (people assume they happen ALL the time) and so on.
So in that spirit, here are a few of our numbers. Just because I know you are interested (mom).

835 - miles we cycled in total. Thats 1344km for those that are imperial impaired.

427 - road kill specimens seen (I totally made that number up. But there were a lot. Some were fresh. Others weren't fresh at all. I wanted to hold funerals for them, but Kalen wouldn't let me)

82 - age of the average RV driver on highway 101 in Oregon. And their RVs are the same size as a Greyhound bus. Serious.

71 - the most miles we made it on one very long day (which also happened to be our last day... but that's another story)

52 - miles we averaged each day

17 - number of days we bicycled

$8 - cost of a campsite in Oregon State Parks... including free HOT showers!!!

5 - number of times we cooked mac & cheese for dinner. Blech. Thank goodness for Franks Red Hot.

3 - days it rained (yay for lots of sunshine!)

0 - number of flat tires we had. Zilch. Nada. Zero. It's true.

That's all.

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